πŸ“œMigrate via Contract

These steps are for users with Wallet connection issues or issues related to our Migrator's UI who want to complete migration directly via the contract. There are three types of issues the user may experience: - approval problems for FSS - approval problems for FEG - the "Complete Migration" button is not working on our UI Here are quick guides on performing these actions directly on BSCscan & Etherscan.

How to approve FSS manually for migration

  1. Connect your wallet by clicking on "Connect to Web3."

  1. Go to the "13. approve (0x095ea7b3)" function and then: Into the address field, enter 0x47Feae4b320E1b45dCFaa5a9eB9AaDf2bD7dce17 And into the amount field, enter. 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Then, finally, click on the "Write" button and accept the transaction dialog in your wallet.

How to approve old FEG manually for migration

  1. Connect your wallet by clicking on "Connect to Web3."

  1. Go to the "1. approve" function and enter this in the "spender" field: 0x47Feae4b320E1b45dCFaa5a9eB9AaDf2bD7dce17 Enter this into the "amount" field: 1000000000000000000000000 Then, finally, click on the "Write" button and accept the transaction dialog in your wallet. Note: If you're using Metamask wallet it may pop up a dialog for the transaction asking you to input a limit; input this number 1000000000000000

How to do the final migration manually

  1. Click 'Access my wallet.'

  2. Select the wallet type you use

  3. On the menu on the left, collapse "Contract" and select "Interact with Contract."

  4. Enter this address into the "Contract Address" field 0x47Feae4b320E1b45dCFaa5a9eB9AaDf2bD7dce17

  5. Copy and paste this interface and input it into the "ABI/JSON interface" field. [ { "inputs": [], "name": "migrate", "outputs": [], "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "function" } ]

  6. Click 'Interact'

  7. Click 'write'

Last updated